a log of cd's purchased + shows attended + other stuff.
placebo, gallows

a little while ago, i found out that placebo's former label will release a compilation of their b-sides. i was reminded that they've also released a compilation of cover songs, which i don't have. so i made an impulse decision to get it.

i found it at hmv.

they were selling it at 2/$30. so i needed to find another item to pair it with. i browsed around and saw gallows' releases. i first heard about the band back when their debut "orchestra of wolves" was released, with positive reviews. although i don't remember what that album sounded like, i do remember liking it. but at the store, it was their sophomore release "grey britain" that was part of the 2/$30 deal. i listened to a few songs, and liked it enough to get it.

i've been listening to this non-stop for the past week or so. in a way, it's the kind of standard punk rock stuff that i like. but what i love about this album are the orchestral parts on the mid-album track "death voices" and on the closing "crucifucks".

gallows - death voices

gallows - crucifucks

those parts are so hauntingly delicate, they contrast with the general aggressiveness of the album.


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