from fathoms
every time i think i'm "over" post-rock, i end up hearing something so epic or beautiful, that it gets me back into that post-rock mood again. that's what happened when i heard a leak of the new gifts from enola album "from fathoms". i immediately feel in love with track 2, "weightless frame", a piece that includes some electronic sounds (which makes me think of 65daysofstatic).gifts from enola - weightless frame
after a few listens, i found myself really enjoying the whole album. so i ordered it online, directly from the label, the mylene sheath. they did a really good job with the packaging, making me wish i had a record player, so that i could buy that colourful vinyl. but no, i just got the cd version, in a nice oversized rectangular cardboard packaging.
this was my first time ordering from the mylene sheath, and will probably not be the last. their prices are good, even including the shipping. and they marked this package as a "gift", so i didn't have to pay any customs fees.
they included a sampler with my order, and i am liking a few of the tracks on that. i'll check out a few of their other releases, and find out what else interests me.
Labels: cd purchase, gifts from enola
battle for the sun
i've been employed since may 1st. but due to various circumstances, this week was my first week of métro-boulot-dodo. i am still trying to adjust.on tuesday, it was the release of placebo's sixth studio album "battle for the sun", with a new record label (vagrant for the north american release). i've been a steady fan of this band since grade 9 (ah, about ten years ago). i've followed them with every album release. i don't think they're super impressive (standard rock with a catchy melody and distinct vocal style), but they've never disappointed either.
after work on tuesday, i went to hmv at fairview to get the cd. (yes, i am back to living in the west island now.)
overall, there are no surprises with this album, very consistent with their previous material, even though they've a new drummer now. i've been listening to this all week, on the drive to work and back, and found myself singing along like an idiot. yeah, the songs are really catchy.
my favourite is the title track.
Labels: cd purchase, placebo
since i started wokring, i've been in a bit of a post-rock mood (it helps me concentrate). which would explain my two impulse purchases of yesterday.the first purchase was online; i will blog about it when it arrives in the mail.
on tuesday, i had gone to hmv to check out the new releases of the week. hm, not much of interest.
then, i saw a new album by isis. they're a band i've heard about. a couple of years ago, i heard the song "weight" from the 2002 album "oceanic", and loved it. but i couldn't really get into their other material. it was too heavy, the vocals too hardcore for my taste at the time.
the new album "wavering radiant" was available at the listening station at hmv, so i tried it out. unfortunately, the machine was somewhat defective (the forward skip button did not work), so i could only sample a few minutes from the first track.
yesterday, i visited their myspace page, where their song "20 minutes/40 years" was streaming. i really liked it. i guess i've been feeling kind of bored with the usual post-rock stuff, so i was really receptive to this heavier, more progressive type of music. even the hardcore vocals didn't bother me so much.
later yesterday, i had some time to kill before meeting with friends (to watch the movie "sin nombre". it was very good!). so i passed by hmv, and got the cd.
i am listening to this now. i am liking it a lot. it's different enough from my usual taste that it piques my interest. yet it's not too out there.
Labels: cd purchase, isis