a log of cd's purchased + shows attended + other stuff.
mono @ latulipe

the popmontreal fest is taking place now. last night i went to the mono show at cabaret latulipe. it was my first time seeing them, having missed them every time they were in montreal in the past. i went alone; i can't believe my mom still freaks out about me going to shows by myself.

i went to the venue early, and got a good spot. front and centre.

the opening band was maserati. kind of typical post-rock, but with a touch of prog? i really liked it. i had thought they were loud; but it turned out they were just a warm-up compared to mono.

i'm not too familiar with their material, so not sure what their setlist was. but the highlight for me was definitely "show me the season", especially the drumming at the end. here's a taste from an other show.

i was introduced to mono by a fellow mogwai fan (thanks dude!). since i had missed a couple of the past shows in montreal, i had gotten their dvd "the sky remains the same as ever" as consolation. instead, it made me feel bad, since their live set looks incredibly awesome. this time, i was determined to attend the show (by the way, if i had not left the job, i would have been out of town this week...).

what can i say? on record, mono sound epic. live, the experience is even more intense. their tracks usually start off pretty mellow. then there's the slow buildup, so gradual, that eventually, it becomes a noise explosion and you wonder how it all started.

this band is so cool. as in, their music is perfect for winter, when everything is covered in white. it seemed fitting that i was seeing them live on one of the first cold days of this fall season. they also seem so cool that they're in their own zone on stage. no chit-chat between songs; notice the absence of a mic.

my favourite part was during "yearning", when it all went quiet, then the sudden noise explosion, like getting punched in the stomach, followed by several minutes of aural assault. awesome. i don't know to else to describe it. it's one of those things you need to be there to experience for yourself.

ashes in the snow
burial at sea
follow the map
pure as snow
the battle to heaven
everlasting light


cd purchases: i got the mono albums that i was missing "under the piapl tree" and "walking cloud and deep red sky...". i also got a maserati album "inventions for the new season".

hearing damage: i was prepared, and bought earplugs for this show. i wore them for about half a song when i remembered why i never wear earplugs at shows: i hate the muffled sound. it's bad, i know, but i'd rather hear everything even if it means letting my ears get blasted.


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Front row of MONO without earplugs? You're braver than I am.

yeah, bad idea, i know. but fortunately, i've recovered my hearing by the next day.